ROATAN One of the Best Tourist Destinations in the World
The capital of the Bay Islands, Honduras. Roatán is the largest island of this department, also the most developed, has the infrastructure and real estate. It is located 50 km from the mainland of Honduras. Honduras is known for being a mountainous country, this island territory is no exception, Roatan has a mountain range that covers the length of the island as a backbone of its extension, g...
Why invest in Roatan
Roatán Honduras is an ideal place to invest in real estate. The natural beauty of the island of Roatán Honduras has been strengthened by the development of exclusive residential projects with the comforts and services, which demands modern life. The island of Roatan is unique, not just for holidays. This beautiful bay island can be your own tropical hideaway. The island of Ro...
Roatan Tourism Grows
Tourism in the island of Roatan has been strengthened in the last 2 years with the arrival of daily cruises of the different shipping companies The United States and Europe. According to statistics, every tourist visiting the island spends about $ 81 per day. If we take an estimated 2,500 passengers per Boat would be a total of 200,000 dollars for each boat that arrives in the zone. Trav...